Amanda is an Australian Multidisciplinary Artist creating Illustrations along with fine art sketches and large contempary paintings. It brings her immense joy creating characters and she truely values the importance of storytelling. People experience characters through storytelling and when a character can be brought to life in art form it enables them to become alive, be relatable, believable giving them an idendity that sits outside of your imagination of what the stores words tell you alone. She has always been endlessly creative and draws inspiration constantly from the world around her. Be it a leaf on the wind or a pattern on a shirt, she is forever gaining new ideas around her and sees the world as her muse. Early in her life she studied drawing and colour and has ever since been perfecting her skills through graphic design studies, illustration and watercolour course work. Some of her most prevailing works are her realism sketches of people and animals where she scans her tirelessly hand drawn pieces and reworks them using her digital skills to create popping colours and shapes over, under and around them. Amanda is very verstile in her stylization and although she leans into her personal style for various projects she has the ability to adapt to suit the audience and lets the circumstances determine what will suit best each particualar deisgn or project she works on. Amanda is what you would call an 'Out of the box or Big Thinker' who generally brings a great perspecive to elements of projects with a team approach. Her genuine desire to see others flourish drives her sense of collaboration and connection to those around her. One of her most treaured activities is to sit in the sun surrounded by nature with her sketchbook, a pot of tea with her ever so dashing daschund by her side.